Sheep Grease
You know how they say it’s hard to catch a greased pig? Well greased sheep must be really easy to catch because that grease is everywhere! It’s called lanolin, and although it sounds wonderfully safe, it’s really not something you’d voluntarily smear on your face. Essentially, lanolin is the sheep version of sebum, that oily, greasy crap that collects in our hair. As sheep are covered in wool for months at a time, lanolin builds up in the wool, eventually being squeezed out into jars. From there it goes on into a number of useful products like shoe polish, barnacle repellents and rust proof coating. It also finds its way into the cosmetic market hidden away inside shaving and skin creams, lotions, make-up removers and heaps of different lipsticks. Well, at least the Kiwis will find us kissable!