They say the eyes are windows to the soul, but what about your entire face? What does your glowing complexion say about your health? Or your dark circles under your eyes, the adult acne or unusually dark lips? Chinese Face Reading is an ancient science and apparently holds the key to finding the solution to problem skin.In traditional Chinese medicine, our faces are the indicators of health or disease and each area of the face relates to an internal organ or area of the body, much like reflexology. When there is a problem or imbalance in the body, the face will reveal it with texture, moisture and complexion changes, such as pimples, rashes, swelling, dehydration, shadowing or lines.
Face reading originated in China over 3000 years ago and is pronounced “myen-shung” in the Chinese language. It is thought that good doctors in China can identify 70% of a persons health problems by examining their face first for warning signals and indications of illness.
According to Chinese face reading principles, different parts of the face mirror the health of a different organ or area. These include:
- Cheeks are linked to the lungs
- Eyebrows and brow line is linked to the liver
- Lips and forehead are linked to digestive organs
- Nose and cheeks are linked to the heart
- Chin is linked to the reproductive organs (which explains all those lovely pre-menstrual chin breakouts so many of us get!)
There are 14 sections in all, but each face also represents one of the five basic elements of Chinese medicine; wood, fire, air, water and metal. People are usually a mix of two types, with one more dominant than the other. Each elemental type has specific physical characteristics, personality traits and are susceptible to certain health strengths and weaknesses.
Facial colouring, lines, marks, discolourations, folds and indentations can also reveal whats happening in the body, particularly vitamin and mineral deficiencies, inflammation and poor functioning organs. The location of marks on your face can also supposedly predict the age at which certain problems will appear; size and darkness can determine the severity of the problem (the bigger and darker thr mark the worse the problem).
- Slightly green – poor liver function
- Overly red – heart disease of high blood pressure
- Slightly yellow – spleen and stomach issues
- Darkened face and eyes – low kidney function
- Whitened or pale – poor lung function
- Fold between eyebrows – weak immune system and/or poor functioning lymph
- Red spots around eyebrows – sign of flu, either coming or just been
- Red eyebrows – lack of sleep, hyperactive nervous system
- Red eye sockets – kidney inflammation or back pain
- Red nose – inflamed bladder or back pain
- Red lips – overactive stomach
- Dark lips – poor spleen and kidney function
- Cold sores on lips – stomach ulcer
- Red cheeks – overactive liver
- Black eyes – poor kidney function
- Dark skin around eyes – deteriorating kidney function
- Black moles between nose and lips – high levels of acids and toxins. Darkening of these moles can be a sign of cancer.
- Congestion and breakouts on chin – poorly functioning intestine
- Reddened congestion/breakouts on chin – sign of impending diarrhoea
Some Chinese Face Readers also believe your entire life story, including the future, can be read on your face. The ears and the toppart of your face represent your pre-teens to early 20’s. As you move down your face, these area correlate to the progression of your life. Your chin, eyebrows, nose, lips and even tongue all represent a certain stage of your life.
Not surprisingly, doctors outside of Chinese Traditional Medicine practices do not embrace Chinese Face Reading as an effective diagnostic tool. But it is interesting to note that the American Journal of Cardiology have reported a high correlation between a diagonal ear lobe crease and the presence of coronary artery disease in people under 70!
What do you think? Can you tell a lot about a persons health and wellbeing, their past and even their future, just by looking at their face? Maybe if you knew what to look for?