40 Weirdest Things Our Readers Have Used to Masturbate

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40 Weirdest Things Our Readers Have Used to Masturbate

Candles, hangers, and a zucchini… Three words I never thought I’d utter in a single breath.

Well, I shall stand corrected!

A popular question in Ask SAHM (originally asked three years ago but is still getting answers today!) goes likes this:

Weirdest thing you have used to masturbate? I have used a really big candle, bed post, and gear stick.

Apparently, there’s no shortage of creativity among our lovely readers when it comes to *ehem* personal pleasure, and we got a kick out of reading all those amusing answers! Oh there are “regular” answers there alright, like dildos, vibrators, and a Sybian — but there are even more answers that are simply out of this world! I think this answer encapsulates the whole thread best:

1 | Stay at Home

I’m sure you’re dying of curiosity now, so I’ll get started. Here are the weirdest things our readers have used to masturbate!

1 | Stay at Home

1. Silky padded coat hangers from dear aunt

2. The hand-held shower head on a “special” setting

2 | Stay at Home

3. A frozen hotdog

4. A beer bottle opener that says “Greatest Dad”

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5. A Coke can

6. Mother-in-law’s water bottle

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7. A knitting needle

8. A string of pearls

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9. A bottle of moisturiser

10. A six-pack nuggets

6 | Stay at Home

11. A litre bottle of apple juice

12. A ham hock

7 | Stay at Home

13. The motherf*cking door knob

14. The gear stick

8 | Stay at Home

15. A Christmas bauble

16. An electric toothbrush

9 | Stay at Home

17. Boyfriend’s old t-shirt

18. A cucumber

10 | Stay at Home

19. A bookmark

20. A pine cone

11 | Stay at Home

21. A toy light saber

22. A longneck bottle

12 | Stay at Home

23. A curling wand (disclaimer: it’s unplugged)

24. The leg of a chair

13 | Stay at Home

25. One of those Kong dog toys

26. The leg of a Ken doll

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27. Running bath water

28. Raspberry-flavoured Zooper Dooper

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29. A frozen banana

30. A stick of cabana

16 | Stay at Home

31. The rolling pin

32. The handle of a hammer

17 | Stay at Home

33. A cheese stick

34. A microphone

18 | Stay at Home

35. One of those long twirly lollipops

36. A rolled up newspaper

19 | Stay at Home

37. Soap on a rope

38. A pair of tongs

20 | Stay at Home

39. Boost chocolate bar

40. The bed post

40 Weirdest Things SAHM Readers Have Used to Masturbate | Stay At Home Mum

What about you? What do you use?

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