16. Some morning first thing thoughts to ponder
1) Do your hardest work-related thing first, because after sleeping, that’s usually when you’re the most effective.
2) Start your day with something you enjoy, like hiking or being outdoors. It just starts you off on the right mindset for the day.
17. It is OK to switch off from work
Set a time which works for you (say 5:30pm for those in 9-5 jobs) and do not check work emails after this time. It will still be there in the morning and this way you won’t ruin your night stressing about it.
18. Avoid stressful situations
Avoid situations that you know will cause stress. For example, taking the route that’s 20% longer but involves less traffic, stress, etc. is worth it.
For this reason, I’d never go to a Black Friday sale at a Walmart or Best Buy. The idea of waiting in line and having someone cut the line or beat me to the product I wanted is not worth the emotional energy I lose compared to the cost savings I gain.
19. Don’t take rejection personally
There are exceptions but 100% of the time if a stranger is rude to you, odds are they’re having a bad day that has nothing to do with you.
It’s easy to get trapped in the “woulda, coulda, shoulda’s” that puts your mind into a gerbil wheel that accomplishes nothing.
20. If you want to procrastinate, ask yourself
If I want to procrastinate on a chore, I ask myself, “Will it take less than 5 minutes?” Most chores do and I just get it over with. It’s been really helpful.