11. What gets measured gets done
Want to lose weight? Set a goal, and weigh in weekly. Want to learn french? Download Duolingo and use it once every day. Want to save up money? Set a goal, a specific savings account/piggy bank/whatever and check the contents monthly.
Seeing your progress is encouraging. It builds habits.
12. You create “you”.
You don’t “discover” yourself. You create yourself. Do something every day that abets that.
13. “Write your own script”
Stephen Covey has a way of saying this as “write your own script” – the easy and lazy way to handle shortcomings is to say “I am what/who I am because X”. The responsible and ‘independent’ mindset is to accept who you are, then change it.
14. People judge themselves by their intentions but judge each other by their actions
Once you really get your head around this it’s hard to ever be mad at anyone again. It made me a much more peaceful person than I used to be.
15. For better sleep, take vitamin D
Holy f**k, sleep feels great!