10 Easy Ways To Have More ME Time

7 min read
10 Easy Ways To Have More ME Time

Do you sometimes wish you could have a minute to yourself?  Time to smell the roses?  Time to shave both legs on the same day?  Time to actually SIT on the toilet? 

These are just mundane first world problems but of course, these are basic rights and yet most of us aren’t setting up our day to get any Me time at all.  We always put ourselves way down the list of priorities.  The thing is… this martyring technique is not doing anyone any favours.

Before we talk about ways to capture this elusive time, let us first be sure you want it and what would you do with it?  This “Why” will ensure you make it happen.

First, what would you do with your ME time?

We all know how any spare money ends up being sucked into the family budget so too will your “Me” time if you are not careful.  You will waste it if you don’t have a plan.  Make a list.

Second, think about how this will make you feel.

What are the benefits for you if you find this time?  Are you going to be more happy, interesting and stimulated?  Will these activities give you some peace and a reward for your hard work?  These positive emotions will of course fill your home like a fresh breeze.  Don’t you want change?

Thirdly, what will happen if you don’t find this time to centre and reward yourself?

How will you feel if you never end up doing these wonderful things?  Can you see your mood, relationships and productivity sinking into a dark pit?

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Now collect yourself and make it happen..

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MaryLouise Cartwright

I am hilarious, I am laughing at myself right now. I am the mother of three children, two of which I have successfully booted out of the nest. I do l...Read Moreove being a SAHM and I have been showing off my skill set in my castle for over 20 years now. Read Less

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