Author: The Bowl

Kylie Briggs

Name:  Kylie Briggs Job Title: Advertising Assistant Where Do You Live? Gympie, Queensland Who Are You Mummy and Wifey to? 2 kids – Logan, 7 and Pagie 5. Husband, Gary,

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Mellissa Doyle

  Name: Mellissa Doyle Job Title: Twitter and Directory Account Manager Where Do You Live? Toowoomba, Queensland Who Are You Mummy and Wifey To?: Josiah (7), Emily (3) and husband Josh (married for 10

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Fran Tan

Name: Fran Tan Job Title: Digital Media Assistant Where Do You Live? Melbourne, Australia Who Are You Mummy and Wifey To? :Two kidlets, 4 and 6. We have about 27

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