“I hate working out but I have to do it.”
I have heard a lot of people say this. I can’t count how many times I’ve said this, too. I just hate working out. I wish I didn’t have to wake up early to exercise. I hope we could all lose weight without moving our body. It’s too hot today or it’s raining, I’ll get wet or it’s cold outside! But, we still do it. Why?
1. When I train regularly, I feel more energy, it’s easier for me to work and life gets better. I also became less sick. – CapableJack
2. It gives me more energy for a bit, and I actually feel like I’ve lost a pound or two. Even if I haven’t, that feeling still gives me confidence. – ByeByeFlutterPie
7. When you do something difficult like getting ripped, it makes you believe you can do anything. The confidence boost is insane. – stitchedlamb
8. My mental state. I’m lucky enough not to suffer from any particular mental illness so I can’t speak for those, but sometimes hormones or whatever just make me feel bleak but and there is a definite correlation between getting out and exercising and feeling overall more positive. A car knocked me off my bike last week and fortunately I only banged up my foot a bit, but even just one week of a crutch to limping has reminded me how much I hate not being able to use my body, even just walking/cycling/running (but mostly miss bouldering.) It puts me in more of a funk more often and causes me to play LoL more which isn’t a healthy mindset for me when it lasts too long. Exercise is the tits. – pekes86
16. Im happier – Teleportsbehindyu
17. I feel more energetic, I’m not perpetually hungry, I’m less sad and lonely, and my blood pressure has dropped. – cheesy_border
Personally, I’m not the healthiest person. Some days I lose it or I let go – especially when there’s dark chocolate cake in front of me. How can I leave that sweet and delicious thing alone? As I’ve said, I’m not really great at self-discipline, but I try hard to exercise as often as I can. I have experienced the benefits of an active lifestyle. I snored less, I slept better, I have more energy and I am able to finish more tasks in one day.
When I don’t exercise, I snore really loud and my body isn’t at its best condition even when I had 8 hours of sleep.
These 50+ people also shared their experiences on reddit about the benefits of an active lifestyle.
Read on to know how exercise made their lives a little bit better each day…