Government Introduces Carly’s Law To Keep Kids Safe From Online Predators

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Government Introduces Carly’s Law To Keep Kids Safe From Online Predators

After a decade since 15-year-old Carly Ryan was groomed online before being murdered, the government has introduced Carly’s Law to protect kids from online predators.

Mum Sonya Ryan has been fighting for justice for her daughter, Carly who fell prey to then 50-year-old Gary Newman, who pretended to be a teenage musician during their online interactions. The grooming took place for more than a year before he and Carly met in person, where Gary told Carly that he was the teen musician’s father.

Carly rejected Gary Newman’s advances, which angered Gary, but somehow Gary convinced her to meet him again at Port Elliot, South Australia. This time, Carly wasn’t able to escape his evil plan.

Carly was bashed, pushed face-down into the sand, suffocated and then thrown into the water to drown.

In July last year, Sonya told Kidspot her grief at the 2007 murder of her daughter“I identified Carly “¦ I saw what he did to her. She braced herself for what was coming. Her fists were clenched, her jaw was clenched. She suffered terribly,” she said.

Government Introduces Carly's Law To Keep Minors Away From Online Predators | Stay at Home Mum

Following the murder, Sonya founded the Carly Ryan Foundation, devoted to support victims and promote internet safety. The foundation has also lobbied for new laws to prevent adults from using fake names and ages to contact minors online.

Now, the government has introduced Carly Ryan’s law, which will give authorities the power to prosecute those who lie about their age to minors online, and intervene before a predator is able to act.

“This bill will ensure young Australians have a greater protection from online predators and serve as a significant deterrent for those who would do them harm,” Justice Minister Michael Keenan told parliament.

The Criminal Code Amendment (Protecting Minors Online) Bill, will target online predators who are preparing or planning to cause harm to, procure, or engage in sexual activity with a child. Offenders who lie about their age, will face a possible 10 years’ imprisonment.

Government Introduces Carly's Law To Keep Minors Away From Online Predators | Stay at Home Mum

With this development, Sonya is grateful as she worked tirelessly for justice together with the government.

Sonya continues to travel across Australia to campaign against online dangers to kids, warning them never to jeopardise their safety by engaging inappropriately with strangers.

She also tells parents that they should make sure their teenagers tell them where they are going, who they are meeting and when they are due to return home.


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