Wallpapers are life savers in decorating your home as it saves you heaps of time painting and decorating your walls.
While wallpapers are really meant for walls, now, with its lovely designs and easy application, wallpapers are now being used other than the walls.
Here are some household items that would look fabulous using wallpapers. You can get some inspiration here so you can make your homes adorable too!
1. On the Stairs
You can use some leftover extra wallpaper as decorations at the centre of the steps of your stairs. Or you can buy one large piece, cut it up in smaller sizes for each step and voila! You will have an amazing flight of stairs.
2. In Empty Picture Frames
No picture to put on your picture frames? No problem! Just use up those extra wallpaper or buy some smaller wallpapers and make it as a picture for your frames! Neat!
3. The Back of a Book Shelf
If you don’t want your book shelf looking boring, you can cover the back of your book shelf with some nice wallpaper to bring it back to life.
4. Make Your Own Coasters with Wallpaper
Coasters don’t have to look dull and lifeless. Stick some wallpaper to it and you’ve got yourself some marvelous coasters!
5. Line a Drawer with it
The insides of your drawer deserves some attention too. Brighten the insides of your drawer with some cool wallpapers to inspire you as you organise your clothes.
6. Match a Clock With Your Decor
Make your clocks pieces of art by using wallpaper to decorate it then match it to your walls! Lovely!
7. Bed Heads
Give your bedroom a grand look by using wallpapers to decorate your bed heads.